The flu is not the same as the common cold. Its symptoms include runny nose, sore throat, fever, chills and muscle aches. Although you may present these same symptoms with the common cold, the flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. Illness caused by influenza can range from mild to severe, with complications that may cause anything from sinus or ear infections to pneumonia or death.​
You might be afraid of needles, but getting the flu seasonal shot is important, especially for those with weakened immune systems or certain preexisting conditions. If you’re still skeptical about the flu vaccine, read on to understand why you should get your flu shot!​
How to get vaccinated for flu at FirstMed
1. Book an appointment!
*Apart from in-clinic vaccinations, you can also make a reservation for on-site vaccination.
2. Come to the clinic
We are 1 min. away from metro B Policlinico stop.
3. Get vaccinated for flu
Ask any questions you might have. Getting vaccinated takes a few minutes.
4. Wait 15 mins.
It is important to wait in the allocated area for 15 minutes after being vaccinated in case of any allergic reactions.
Why get vaccinated?
You may wonder, 'Is the flu vaccine really necessary?' There are many reasons to get your annual vaccine, but here are five important ones:
Getting vaccinated can reduce the risk of getting the flu by 40%-60%.
You can protect people around you, especially the ones who are living with a chronic medical condition and are more vulnerable to serious flu illness, like babies and the elderly. If you are a carrier, asymptomatic or not, you may infect those around you with the flu. Therefore it's in everyone’s interest that as many people get immunized as possible to protect the least vulnerable among us. It’s not just about taking care of yourself, it’s also about taking care of your loved ones and others.
New vaccines are released every year to keep up with rapidly adapting flu viruses. Because flu viruses evolve so quickly, last year’s vaccine may not protect you from this year’s strains. Moreover, antibody levels start to decline over time, so your protection is not as strong at the end of the season as it was at the beginning — another reason to get a flu shot every year.
Flu vaccination can lower the risk of ICU admission by 26% and the risk of death from flu by 31% compared to those who were unvaccinated according to the CDC. Getting the vaccine has been shown to offer substantial other benefits including reducing illness, antibiotic use, time lost from work.
The annual seasonal flu vaccine is still the most effective way to protect yourself and others from the flu.

Who should get the flu vaccine?​
Annual influenza vaccinations are recommended for everyone age 6 months or older. This is especially important for people at high risk of influenza complications, including:
Pregnant women
The elderly
Infants and toddlers​
Chronic medical conditions can also increase your risk of influenza complications. Examples include:
Cancer or cancer treatment
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Cystic fibrosis
Kidney or liver disease
When should I get the flu vaccine?​
You should get your flu shot annually by the end of October or early November. Flu season begins each year near fall and winter, and last year’s vaccine will not offer you sufficient protection. As the virus adapts and mutates each year, vaccines are updated to ensure you get the best possible protection.
Do I really need a flu shot if I already got the Covid-19 vaccine?
They don't overlap. Influenza and Covid-19 are different diseases so you need both vaccines to be protected from each one. Covid-19 vaccines help you protect against the coronavirus and flu vaccines prevent influenza. You can catch both viruses at the same time, or one after the other, so getting vaccinated against both infectious diseases will help keep you healthy.
Can I get the flu and Covid-19 vaccine at the same time?
Yes, you can get the flu vaccine with either a primary Covid-19 shot or a booster dose, but they must be done at the same time. Some people may be concerned about the possible side effects caused by each virus, however, according to the CDC, side effects are similar whether the shots are given in the same visit or separately at a distance of several months. This means that side effects are no worse if you have both vaccines at once. It is also worth mentioning that getting the both shots at the same time or separately does not mean that you will not experience any side effects. For instance, you may experience a fever, headache, body aches, soreness at the injection site and other flu-like symptoms. To lessen the soreness, you might consider getting one shot in each arm.
Where can I get the flu vaccine?
​You can get the flu vaccine at FirstMed from late October, you can find care here with English-speaking doctors, medical personnel, and staff. Schedule appointment by contacting us directly.