Have you been holding off on your European tour due to Covid restrictions? You might be in luck. As of March 31st, Italy will no longer be under the State of Emergency. This means that travel restrictions and internal regulations may be loosening. Here’s what was announced regarding Covid-19 news on March 17th by the Italian Government.
Masking mandates
Until April 30th, FFP2 masks will be required in closed environments including public transportation, cinemas, operas, theaters, and other public gathering places. In the workplace, however, devices protecting your airways will be sufficient (surgical masks, cloth masks, etc).
End of the colored zoning system
Italy's zoning system included 4 levels of emergency status for the different regions of the country which indicated different restrictions according to the color. The levels ranged from white (least restrictions) to red (regional lockdown). From April 1st, this zoning system will no longer exist.
Capacity of sporting facilities
Return to 100% capacity of open-air and enclosed sporting facilities from April 1st
Guidelines and protocols
New guidelines and protocols may be adopted in the ordinance of the Health Minister.
On March 31st the Covid-19 State of Emergency will end.
The gradual return to normalcy involves a few steps:
The end of the colored zoning system
Gradual phasing out of the Green Pass
Elimination of precautionary quarantining
Access to the workplace
From April 1st, everyone (including citizens over 50 years of age) will be able to access the workplace with the Basic Green Pass, for which its obligation will be removed on May 1st
Until December 31st, 2022 the vaccine mandate will remain in force for medical workers and staff in hospitals and nursing homes. This mandate is extended to visitors of nursing homes, hospices, and in-patient departments of hospitals (2G plus).
Protocols for schools
The decree outlines new measures for the management of positive cases:
Nursery school - Educational nursery services
In the presence of at least 4 positive cases between students of the same section or group of a class, didactic activity will continue in person. Teachers, instructors, and children over 6 years of age must use FFP2 masks for 10 days following the most recent contact with a Covid-positive person.
If the onset of symptoms occurs and the person is still symptomatic, on the fifth day following the last contact, a rapid antigen, molecular, or self-administered antigen test should be completed. In the latter case, the negative test result is certified with an auto certification.
Primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, and institutions for education and professional training
In the presence of at least 4 positive cases between students of the same section or group of a class, didactic activity will continue in person. Teachers, instructors, and children over 6 years of age must use FFP2 masks for 10 days following the most recent contact with a Covid-positive person.
Should the onset of symptoms occur and the person is still symptomatic, on the fifth day following the last contact, a rapid antigen, molecular, or self-administered antigen test should be completed. In the latter case, the negative test result is certified with an auto certification.
Primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary school students and students of institutions for education and professional formation in isolation due to Covid-19 may keep up with coursework through integrated distance learning. This must be accompanied by a specific medical certificate that states the student’s health conditions. Readmission to the class is permitted only after completion of a rapid antigen or molecular test with a negative result.
Covid-19 Workers
Emergency workers and staff will be extended until the end of the lessons, and no later than June 15th, 2022. An additional 204 million is available for the extension in addition to preallocated amounts.
Emergency Facilities
The decree also states:
Head of Civil Protection: the end of emergency powers and the attribution of powers to manage the return to normalcy
Extraordinary commissioner for the implementation and coordination of prevention and containment measures of the Covid-19 epidemiological emergency: A unit (coordinated with the Ministry of Health) has been created to complete the vaccine campaign and to adopt other methods to combat the pandemic. Starting January 1st, 2023 this will become the responsibility of the Health Ministry.