It’s been a lovely trip so far and you’ve thoroughly enjoyed your holiday in Rome. Tomorrow you’re taking off on your cruise and you need a Covid test before boarding. You arrive at the clinic and wait patiently after the nurse takes your sample. To your shock and surprise, your test result comes back positive!
What are you supposed to do now? You have to check out of your holiday housing, but now you’re unable to get on the cruise, let alone leave your isolation space. This may also mean unplanned days off of work, added hotel expenses, or a costly flight reschedule. A major wrench in your plans!
If you test Covid positive in Rome, here is a quick guide on what to do:
1. Take a deep breath. We know you’re stressed out right now, but the sooner you have a solid plan in place, the sooner you can mitigate uncertainties about how your quarantine time will go.
2. Notify your accommodation provider. You’ll have to let your host or hotel staff know that you’ve tested positive and need to quarantine. If they are unable to accommodate you for a longer stay, that means you’ll have to search for another accommodation to quarantine in.
3. Isolate. Yes, unfortunately you must complete a 7-day quarantine period.
4. Notify your family and friends. Needless to say, family and friends are probably the first people you will turn to for advice and moral support. Don’t stop there, however. If you foresee that your positive result may require you to extend your trip, get in touch with your employer to let them know you may have a later return than expected.
5. Notify your cruise provider or other scheduled vacation activities. If you have other plans for the rest of your holiday, it is important that you notify them of your positive test result. It may be possible to reschedule or get a partial refund.
6. Retest. The only reason you may leave your accommodation is to repeat the Covid-19 test after your quarantine period has concluded. In this case, an FFP2 mask is required to limit your exposure to others. Should you still have a positive test result, continue to quarantine and retest in the following days.
How Can I Get Essentials?
It can be difficult to have to extend your trip due to unforeseen circumstances. This is why it is important to prepare carefully when planning your trip.
Bring extra medications with you! This is always a good idea, but could be life-changing should you get stuck away from home.
Consider getting travel insurance to cover your trip or any potential medical expenses.
Use food delivery services like Glovo or JustEat. These convenient apps are used all over the country, and may even make grocery and pharmacy runs!
If you are traveling with others, have them test, too. Because it will be difficult to know exactly where and when you were exposed to the virus, having the other people in your travel group take Covid tests is the only way to know if they are positive or not.
For more information, visit the Italian Health Minister’s website on Covid-19 regulations: https://www.salute.gov.it/portale/nuovocoronavirus/dettaglioFaqNuovoCoronavirus.jsp?lingua=italiano&id=244